Gettin my Blog on.

I am excited to say that I am finally getting my blog on! I have
been looking forward to this for a while now, as I think it will be a
great way to share whats going on with Sewell Photography and give you
a view of the latest photo session/events that I am shooting.

I have photographed over 65 photo sessions and 15 weddings last year and it’s been an amazing year!  That, along with a full time job, definitely tested my sleep deprivation tolerance.  But I can say with all honesty that I loved every minute of it.  I have taken the leap to full time photographer and freelance designer this year which I am more than thrilled about. 

What a better way
to ring in 2008 than to reflect on the the last year and give a huge
THANK YOU to all who have made 2007 so much fun.   Thank you for
welcoming me into your homes and lives, I am blessed to have met each of you.

I hope you will enjoy browsing through my "2007 favorites" Album where you will see some of my favorites from my sessions/events of 2007…
